Pole Progress

Perfecting a New Skill

Join me on my journey to perfecting a new skill!

While at this year’s Pole Convention, I unlocked a new move, the Pole Handspring. This is one of the hardest moves to achieve because a lot goes into even having the strength to attempt the move. I have been piecemealing the steps to get this move for some time, and at Pole Con, I was finally able to do it with a spotter. Now is the time for me to work on the move alone- and it will be a challenge.

The thing that I constantly have to remind myself of is that I need to be patient. Rome was not built in a day, and neither will this handspring. Honestly, the fact that I am able to go for this move as a curvier body is an accomplishment in and of itself. So I am going to keep pushing on this one until I finally get it. And when I do finally get it - watch out, because you will be able to hear me EVERYWHERE. LOL.

Cheers to DAY 1 of training the handspring.

Class Schedule Updates!

Hey Everyone!

The past weeks have been a bit hectic, but I am going to work REALLY hard to get back into the habit of keeping the site up to date. I have tons of content on my phone that I need to share, so expect that in the coming weeks!

With that being said- I am writing to let you know of a few schedule tweaks for those who come to my classes at Inner Diva.

Tuesdays: Pole 1(Intro) - Come Learn Pole Basics

Wednesdays: Spin Pole 2+ - Learn Intermediate/Advanced Pole Sequences on Spin!

Tori Thursdays!

Pole Conditioning- Learn Exercises to improve your pole skills!

Pole Level 1-2- Continue to Develop Pole Basics, and Work towards advancing to the next Level

Performance Pole - Elevated Poleography Class Geared to help you prepare for pole performances and competitions.

See you all on the pole!

Conditioning: Vicky’s Workout Plan

In order to be successful at competition this year, I have to make sure my body is right. Check out what exercises me and my trainer use to get me ready to compete! 

Flash Back Friday - Dirty Disney Performance

Flash Back Friday - Dirty Disney Performance

This flashback Friday we breakdown my Dirty Disney performance to see what went into the making of one of my favorite routines.