pole traning

🌟 Exciting News: Join Me for Spin Pole Level 1-2 Classes at Lache Movement! 🌟

🌟 Exciting News: Join Me for Spin Pole Level 1-2 Classes at Lache Movement! 🌟

Join our Spin Pole Level 1-2 classes at Lache Movement every Saturday at 12:30pm! Perfect for beginners and intermediate students, these sessions offer an introduction to spin pole techniques and teach you how to create fluid, beautiful flows. Build strength, confidence, and have fun while you learn. Don’t miss out—start your pole dancing journey with us Saturdays at 12:30pm!

Perfecting a New Skill

Join me on my journey to perfecting a new skill!

While at this year’s Pole Convention, I unlocked a new move, the Pole Handspring. This is one of the hardest moves to achieve because a lot goes into even having the strength to attempt the move. I have been piecemealing the steps to get this move for some time, and at Pole Con, I was finally able to do it with a spotter. Now is the time for me to work on the move alone- and it will be a challenge.

The thing that I constantly have to remind myself of is that I need to be patient. Rome was not built in a day, and neither will this handspring. Honestly, the fact that I am able to go for this move as a curvier body is an accomplishment in and of itself. So I am going to keep pushing on this one until I finally get it. And when I do finally get it - watch out, because you will be able to hear me EVERYWHERE. LOL.

Cheers to DAY 1 of training the handspring.