Class Notes: Week of 12/21/21

Here are some notes from class this week!

(And some additional tips from all of the other weeks)

This conditioning drill with a yoga block (or pilates ball) is really good for strengthening your knee pit grips.


To do, take a yoga block or pilates ball and fit it between your heel/ankle and glute. Tuck your hips and squeeze your heel to your butt. This exercise can be pretty intense initially, so take it slow by starting out with about 5 squeezes on each leg.

Core Drill

Here’s a fun Arm/Core Drill to warm up your body

Forward Pike, Down dog, Roll to Plank, Side Plank Both Sides, Elbow Plank, Plank, Feet to Hands, Repeat.

Butterfly Prep

Doing #pdbutterfly for the first time can be kind of scary. To get familiar with the movements, try setting up right-side up first.

Next, from a pole-assisted handstand, try a butterfly from the ground.

Then when you are ready, you can go for the full move!

Aerial Inverts

Try your pole crunches from the air. One of the biggest challenges with aerial inverts is getting your hips over your head without the ground to boost you. Working on your pole crunches from the air helps you get used to the movement.